I have a new post up at Shiny New Books today which I’d like to share with you, and it focuses on a fascinating new range of books being issued by Gallic Books. The series is called Revolutionary Women, and the publisher has initially released three titles, by Violette Leduc, Renee Vivien and Marie-Louise Gagneur. The first two authors are ones I’m familiar with; but it’s the second two I cover in my piece, and both these books are fascinating reading from a pair of intriguing and often transgressive authors!

As you can see from the image above, as well as the Gallic editions, I already owned some collections of Renee Vivien’s poetry; I picked these up back in the heady days of the 1980s, from the much-missed Silver Moon women-only bookshop in Charing Cross Road. (I do also own several Leduc books, not shown in the picture!) It’s wonderful to see these writers back in print, and also to be able to discover new authors too! My thoughts on the books are here – do pop over and have a read! 😀

(Interestingly, Juliana at the (blank) garden, who always covers such a fascinating range of women authors, has published a post on Vivien today – it’s here, if you want to read more about this intriguing woman!)