Well, what a wonderful week of reading we’ve all had with the #1951Club! These reading events (so cleverly devised by Simon) seem to go from strength to strength, and I can’t get over how many titles keep popping up that I wasn’t aware were from the year in question!

I started the week with plans and possibilities and of course went off on several tangents, but I’ve read some really wonderful books. Alas, I didn’t get to all of the ones I wanted, and some of the longer ones and re-reads went by the by. However, there were some fabulous crime reads, as well as some humour from Queneau, some serious stuff from Serge and some darker material from Durrenmatt. So another enjoyable club read!

This week’s reads (Gladys was from the library and Serge is a e-book!)

Simon suggested that we should cast around for suggestions for the next reading week, and we will be looking to pick a year in the 1960s. So if you have any suggestions of a particularly good year, do comment here or on Simon’s blog so we can see what people are keen on and pick a year with some great reads!

I’ll continue to link to posts people point me at on my 1951 Club page here, so please comment and let me know if you’ve posted and I haven’t seen it! Thanks to all for joining in, and here’s to the next club! ๐Ÿ™‚