Here we are once more to support independent publishers by reading and reviewing their fantastic output.  Trading conditions haven’t got any easier for Indy publishers since Lizzy and I launched Reading Independent Publishers Month in 2021, and so we hope you’ve got your book stacks all ready to dive into. 

I’ll quickly recap on the two rules that apply to #ReadIndies: 

  • Reading material (whichever format, whichever language) must come from publishers who are currently operating as independents.
  • Self-published titles are not eligible.

There will be no Mr Linky this year, so please alert us to your reviews by using the #ReadIndies hashtag on your social media platform of choice, or by leaving a link in comments below.

What am I planning to read?

Our badge this year features publishers in the Indie Press Network, and I *will* try to read from those imprints as much as possible. However, my intention is to read as many of the indies which I already have in the stacks, as I shared in my end of January post yesterday, and there is an interesting range of possibilities!

What is most unusual is that Lizzy and I have identified a title we have in common: “Lady Molly of Scotland Yard” by Baroness Emmuska Orczy, published by Renard Press. (ISBN 9781804470718), which we’re going to buddy read and review on 29th February.  All welcome to join in.

Talking of Renard Press, do check Lizzy’s blog later today for her interview with Will Dady, founder of Renard Press and the Indie Press Network. It’s very enlightening about the pressures small publishers face and makes us really proud to be supporting them through Reading Independent Publishers Month.