As I often say at the end of one of our reading events, phew! what a week that was! 😀

I had high hopes for 1962 as there were so many interesting possibilites for reading, as well as a lot of titles I’d already loved and could revisit. In the end, I stuck pretty much to the books I’d initially planned, although one book I wanted to read went by the wayside and that’s “Silent Spring” by Rachel Carson. I’ve had a copy of this on the TBR for some time now and fully intended to pick it up. However, in the end I wasn’t feeling it; the current awful state of the world, plus lack of time, found me struggling with the early pages and so I put the book aside and will come back to it when the moment is right.

Another title I had considered was “The Ticket that Exploded” by William Burroughs; like the Kerouac, this is a book I haven’t read in decades, and I *am* keen to re-engage with his work. However, as this is the middle book in a trilogy I decided to wait and spend time with Burrough when I can focus on how I want to approach his books.

It has been wonderful to see everyone’s posts and comments; it’s been a bumper year and what a fabulous range of reading there has been! I am currently away for a few days so will catch up on reading linking when I get back – but thanks to all who’ve taken part in the club, and my wonderful co-host Simon. We have been putting our heads together to work out what year we might like to travel to next, and *drum roll* can announce that the next club will be:

Yes, next April we’ll be exploring an early year in the #1937Club! It looks like a year with some marvellous choices, so we look forward to seeing you there – you have six months to get planning! 😀