How time flies! Reading Independent Publishers Month is here again. Lizzy and I have piled our book stacks high with potential reads and are ready to go. Have you? Are you?

There are only two rules:

  • Reading material (whichever format, whichever language) must come from publishers who are currently operating as independents.
  • Self-published titles are not eligible for this event.

While this does rule out some material, think instead of the richness they rule in. Check out some of the publishers highlighted on our event badges, past and present, or take a look at the master indices from previous years: 2021 2022.

The event runs throughout February, with an extension for catch-up reviews that runs until the event index is finalised. This usually takes about 10 days. It helps greatly when reviews are entered in the linky at Alternatively use the hashtag #ReadIndies on your tweets, instagram posts, etc.

What am I planning to read?

Well, here’s the difficult bit, because there are *so* many choices. As January went on, I started to collect the various unread indie-published books I had in the stacks and there are a *lot*!!! I mean, there’s this plastic bin:

And after I’d filled that one, I found some more:

And then I realised I had some review books which fitted in (though the top one of those has already been read as part of a blog tour):

So as you can see, I have far more choices than I could ever fit in to one month!!! But that’s a lovely position to be in, so watch this space to see what I finally choose!! 😀

Here’s to an adventurous February.