Following the success of last year’s #ReadIndies event, Lizzy and I thought it was worth repeating. So to support all the wonderful independent publishers, who continue to spoil us with a wealth of rich and entertaining reading material during the pandemic, we will read exclusively from their catalogues during the month of February.

We can’t read from them all, so we’re hoping that the many fellow bibliophiles, who joined us last year, will do so again. Newbies are most welcome too.

Don’t know what to read? Take some inspiration from the books that were read last year, (you can find it here), or from the catalogues of publishers featured on our new badge.

Incidentally these publishers are different from those featured on last year’s badge – there’s no favouritism here! Any book, magazine, comic or pamphlet, in any language, in any format, from any independent publisher around the world can be read for this event.

So there should be no difficulty in finding appealing reading material. The only problem Lizzy and I can foresee is cutting down our available choices to manageable levels …