For the past few years there have been a number of publisher focused fortnights. There have been 2 Pushkin Press fortnights (I definitely took part in one), 1 NYRB fortnight, 1 Seagull Books Fortnight and last year Lizzy and I co-hosted Fitzcarraldo Editions Fortnight. We started talking about a second …

But remembering that 2020 was rough on everyone (who could possibly forget!), singling out one publisher for a focussed event didn’t seem fair. So we decided to highlight and support as many independent publishers as we can by spending a whole month reading from their lists. February 2021 is hereby designated #ReadIndies month.

The badge names 32 independent publishers based in the UK. There are many more. Apologies if your favourite is not listed, but there had to be a cut-off somewhere. Neither does this mean that reading is restricted to UK publishers. Global reading is encouraged for this event!

Lizzy and I are currently busy reviewing our TBRs in preparation. We are amazed at the variety of reading available. The challenge will be whittling our choices down to a manageable shortlist. An enjoyable one, of course.

Is it one that appeals to you? Will you join #ReadIndies next month?