Just a little heads up today that the #1956Club will be starting in just over a week’s time!

In case you’ve not encountered one of the Clubs before, this is an event dreamed up by my co-host, Simon at Stuck-in-a-Book. There’s no registration or any kind of formality; we just encourage people to read, discuss and share thoughts on books published in the year we choose – and the more discoveries there are of unexpected and brilliants works, the better!

Now, when we picked 1956, we both felt it was something of a bumper year; and exploring further in recent weeks I’m amazed by the number of fantastic books from 1956. So much so that I’m really going to have trouble deciding what to actually read! An initial rummage round the shelves revealed these:

Some possible reads for 1956…

There are great books in there, some of which I’ve read (and would love to re-read) and some of which are new to me. Choices, choices. However, since pulling those out I’ve discovered I have even more 1956 books in the stacks:

And yet more…

I actually really don’t know where to start reading! And this is only scratching the surface as I know I have more from 1956 in the house somewhere..

Anyway, we do hope that as many of you as possible will join in. Do read and post and discuss your reads; I have a set of dedicated pages, one for each year we’ve done, and will add links on the 1956 page when it appears, so do leave a comment with a link (or indeed let us know what you’ve been reading in the comments if you don’t have a platform). 1956 promises to be a marvellous week of bookishness, so do join in. What are you planning to read?