Well, a sometimes flaming June has passed (and having moaned about the grotty weather, I’m now at the stage of having had enough of the heat!) However, it was another great reading month, and although I only read ten titles this month, I feel that they were subtantial and really rather wonderful – here they are in all their glory:

Looking at the pile, each book was a fascinating read, and there’s quote a lot of non-fiction there, from Holmes and his romantic explorations to Arendt with her analysis of the evil of Nazism. But the fiction was good too, with the Thompson being a particular highlight. As I’m very much playing catch-up with reviews, my thoughts on a number of these are to follow!

Looking forward to July, there are a number of reading events which I’m very keen to join in with.

The first is Stu’s Spanish/Portuguese Lit Month and it’s an event I love – as you can see from the pile of possibles below, which I pulled off of the TBR, there are plenty of wonderful choices and I’m not sure which I will choose as yet. Maybe this year will be the one when I *finally* actually read “The Book of Disquiet”! Although there’s Borges, Saramago and so many other temptations – choices, choices!

Then there’s the Paris in July event, hosted this year by Words and Peace.

Now, when I initially started thinking about taking part, I believed I might struggle to find some suitable books… Ahem. A minute or two on one of the TBR shelves revealed this hefty pile… ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ

As is obvious, I have a lot more books themed around Paris/France to choose from than I realised!! Should I embark on the Zola sequence (at last)? Should I sink myself into the essays of Sartre? Should I read some history of the French Revolution? Once again, so many lovely books I could pick up. I suspect July could be a wonderful reading month too!

Anyway, those are my thoughts and tentative plans. What about you? How was your June, and do you plan to join in with any of these July events (or indeed, any other ones)?