As  you can see from the dates in the snazzy little graphic Simon prepared, it’s not long till the start of the 1965 Club! 😀

If you’re a newbie to our reading clubs, Simon at Stuck in a Book came up with the idea a while back and asked if I would like to co-host – to which I happily agreed! The idea is to focus on a particular year and get people reading books from the chosen date, blogging about them, posting on LibraryThing or Goodreads or Twitter or Instagram – or even in our comments! That way, we all get the chance to discover great books we might not have known about, revisit ones we’ve forgotten and just have fun in doing so and in interacting about them.

And 1965 looks to be a bumper year for titles. A quick bit of exploring online reveals all manner of interesting books to choose from, spanning literature, poetry and children’s books, to name just a few. I’ve had a rummage in my shelves and come up with many possible choices, including new books, re-reads and titles I’ve been dying to get to for ages – but which will I pick?

Frankly, I’m not sure at the moment… I’d like a little variety, and there are so many interesting titles available. Mr. Kaggsy will no doubt provide one of his guest posts, but apart from that, I’m still undecided. Watch this space to find out what I actually *do* read, and please join in with us. I’ll have a dedicated page for linking to #1965Club posts so please leave a comment and let me know – it’ll be a blast! 😀